BU · HYYH Notes · HYYH The Notes 2 · Theories


Hello everyone!! How are you doing?

HYYH THE NOTES 2 was released in September , 2020. We got a successful resolution to Jin’s arc- culminating in him finding the map of his soul, learning about his father’s past and perhaps finally seeing an end to the time-travel. However, some questions remain unanswered, such as Jungkook’s increasing mistrust towards his hyungs, and that chilling epilogue. Here are some theories/ points I had in mind while reading the notes:


The epilogue begins with a mysterious date: XX XX Year XX

The date seems to suggest that he has been transported into a dimension beyond time and space. The space has been described as “dark”, “sticky”, “slippery”, and Jungkook felt as if he was floating in “sticky air”. Then, the chapter proceeds to give us this :

“There was a big hole below me-a huge, bottomless, gaping hole. I looked up again. saw the moon at a faraway distance. I was floating somewhere between the moon and the hole. And suddenly,
I had a thought: That is not the moon. That’s a big hole in the sky.”

That brings to mind 2 things:

a) It is probably the day Jungkook had an accident, 22 May Year 22, but in a different dimension. On the day of the accident, Jungkook had described seeing an upside down moon. The same moon seems to appear here.

b) This is a wormhole that he has fallen into. In MOTS:7 Notes, Jungkook described seeing a sinkhole with shimmering light. At that time too, I theorized it could have been a wormhole, and now it seems that he has entered a wormhole itself. The whole description recalls to my mind the Blood, Sweat and Tears Japanese MV.


Choi Gu-Hyo is Kim Chang Jun’s friend who disappeared in high school, leaving ChangJun shattered. According to a news report, on the night of his disappearance, he had received a call to come to the music room in the annex of the school building ( which is now the storage classroom that Jin and his friends had hung out at). Another blog article that Jimin had searched claimed that the Principal ( Jo Jin Myung) had been involved. It was also claimed that the Principal and Kim Chang Jun had been enemies in school. Based on these, it can be assumed that something happened between the Principal and Choi Gu Hyo, causing him to disappear. It is likely that Woo Hyun Sung, the psychiatric ward uncle who told Jimin about the map of the soul was also present at the scene as he voluntarily admitted himself into the hospital after that incident. After the incident, Kim Chang Jun was reported to have gone crazy, combing the whole city down to find his friend.

One day, he was found collapsed in the same music room, after which he quit school, returning next year as a changed man, devoid of any warmth. The descriptors used are ‘cold’, ‘lifeless’, just like how Seokjin had become after signing the pact with cat about the hint to find the map of the soul. Thus, it is clear that Jin’s Dad was also involved with the cat. However, loose ends remain as we are never told what happened that night.

My theory is that we are not yet done with this story. The Principal keeps showing up in the BUS Story game as well, always leading to bad consequences- such as deliberately shifting Jungkook to a new school when he grew closer to Seokjin ( Jungkook’s chapter). We may see a full explanation of what Kim Chang Jun actually went through that night and the year that followed in the next Notes.


In The Notes 1, we are introduced to an old guy in khaki overcoat, who gets into a brawl with some violent men the night Taehyung and Jungkook had gone to Munhyeon ( 24 July Year 22). Taehyung felt that the man reminded him of his own father, always on the drink. In the Notes 2, on the same date, Taehyung once again meets a drunkard- and even carries him home on his back. Taehyung wished to stay besides him and listen to his stories, but left.

Why repeat an un-named character twice? Clearly he is someone important. My theory is that the man could be Choi Gu Hyo. The man has been missing for a long time, and what if he happens to be this drunkard ? It would explain why the character was given this much importance, and perhaps in the next Notes, we could see Choi Gu Hyo being found and playing a bigger part in the story.


Dubu is the name of the dog Taehyung had kept in Year 21. Strangely, he has not been mentioned even once in both the books, but his presence is alluded to in the Graphic Lyrics, Stigma, and the last page of HYYH Notes 1. It is shown in the last page, that the dog went missing in the month of October. The month in Stigma MV is also shown to be October, and the MV is full of scenes alluding to Taehyung’s first time in prison.

The calendar, also showing October

Dubu means tofu in Korean. In Korean culture, when a person gets out of prison, they are offered tofu to eat- as a symbol of purification. We see a reference to this in Dear My Friend by AgustD as well. Here is Doolset’s explanation of the lines :

. In the Notes 2, we see the following exchange between Taehyung and Hoseok:

You came empty-handed?”

“What do you mean? You called in the middle of the night to pick
you up, and now that I’m here, you complain about me being empty-handed?”

Namjoon said, “He means you don’t have tofu with you.”

“What?” I looked at Taehyung in utter disbelief. “It’s not like you got dragged to the police station
for the first time. You want tofu now?”

Making it obvious that he was disappointed, Taehyung said, “I keep coming back to this place because I haven’t had tofu.


Now that we have had the context of what tofu means, it gets easier to understand Taehyung’s teasing about not having eaten tofu. But for me, I felt this goes deeper, and is probably a reference to his dog, Dubu. The first presence of Dubu is connected to Tae being imprisoned in Stigma, and for me it implies that the dog’s disappearance is connected with Taehyung’s frequent visits to the police station.


This is probably a theory that most will share , and that is Jungkook will take on a more central role in the future. He has been set up as an observer of some sorts, in Fake Love as well, and in The BUS Story Game.

Fake Love
Jungkook observing the rest in the BU Story Game

Moreover, he is the only known character, apart from Jin, who has made contact with the cat. JK’s arc so far has been dependent on his hyungs- and as the youngest of them all, focusing on this can actually lead us to a good story about identity development. He needs to find a sense of self that is healthy- attached to his friends, yet aware of his personal needs.


I think that JK and the cat made a pact as well, and it is likely to be related to his constant wish to die. At the time of the accident, the cat appears, and asks him if he still wishes to live, even though life would be more painful than death. Judging by the fact that Jungkook did not die, we can assume that he chose to live.

This new Jungkook after the accident is a changed man, who is resentful of Seokjin ( who he believes was behind the accident) and his friends. In fact, in one scene, he climbs up the hospital railing – in a similar way to his earlier habit of standing on the railing of the construction site. But this time, instead of wanting to die, he decides angrily that he refuses to be the sacrifice for someone’s happiness, and won’t die willingly.

“I wouldn’t die even if it were to make someone happy!” I spat out the words to the lights.


This new found desire to live however comes at a price- he ends up losing trust in all his hyungs, to the point of wanting to shoot them in a video-game scenario. The BTS Universe Story trailer also ends with Jungkook, sketching his road accident as the others fade into background.


It is widely believed that Jin caused the car accident on 22 May. JK himself believes it to be Jin. However, based on the account given by Jin himself, I believe that someone else is deliberately trying to frame Jin. On his way back, Jin almost collides into a fast moving car, and ends up skidding against a guard-rail. When he looks back, there was no car on the street. Jungkook believes it to be Jin because the car is similar to his, but apart from that he has no other evidence. He sees the dent marks on Jin’s car and assumes he was correct, but they could just be because of the skidding.

Then, who hit Jungkook? I have two theories for this:

One is that Seokjin’s father arranged for a car similar to his to cause this misunderstanding. Jin’s father is not shown to be very encouraging of his friends, and sometimes it feels like he and his circle go out of their ways to keep them apart.

My other theory is that it was the cat’s doing. It seems more likely since we have a note from MOTS:7 Album Notes that talks about JK seeing green and blue beads changing into headlights. That scene is reminiscent of this scene from the TU:

And as we saw in the screenshot from the trailer , the cat was present at the time of the accident. Maybe it has to do with the pact he formed with the cat.

Apart from these, as per my previous analysis of the back pages of the Notes 2, it is highly likely that some existential themes might be present in the next Notes.

Well, these are all the theories/thoughts I have. I would love to hear what you think, and if you have theories of your own, feel free to comment or DM me at my Twitter.

BU · HYYH Notes · HYYH The Notes 2 · Theories

Easter Eggs in The Last Pages of HYYH Notes 2: Analysis and Translation ( ENG, JP, ESP, KOR)

Hello everyone ! Long time no see ! This post will be dealing with back pages from HYYH Notes 2, so if you don’t want to be spoilt, don’t scroll down. Plot spoilers have been kept to minimum however, should you only wish to know about the back pages.

I am so excited that HYYH The Notes 2 is finally released. In this post, I will be looking at back pages of HYYH The Notes 2 for easter eggs, just like we had some in HYYH The Notes 1. In this post I will try my hand at translating them ! I am still learning Korean so I apologize for mistakes and mis-translations. Occasionally when the words were tough, I have used Papago to discover their meanings but the translations remains mine. If you choose to take translations from this blog, please credit me/ whoever applicable.

If this is the first time you are hearing of this, at the back of each book there is a photo spread full of clues. These clues shift around in each version- here are the clues of the first book:

Translation for the above can be read here and the map can be accessed here.

Now onto Notes 2!

This time instead of documents we have a photo spread of phones !

The Notes 2, Korean Version. Picture credits to this post. Individual close ups credits to Skye
The Notes 2, Japanese Version. Image credits to : MayRose
The Spanish Version, picture credits to @mogu
The Notes 2 English Version, credits to @Sub_versi0n


  1. There are 7 phones – each belonging to one of the 7 characters. Based on the translations which will be provided down below, I have identified each phone as following:

Yoongi’s phone: The phone with the earphones, it reminds me of how Yoongi was shown with plugged in earphones in the Graphic Lyrics Book- YNWA.

Yoongi and Hoseok from YNWA. Picture credits to @mochi_manggae

I identified through the name Min Youngho written here-presumably his father’s.

Jimin’s phone– it has a cute cat cover, Serendipty anyone? I identified this on the basis of the search for Arboretum on Google Map

Hoseok’s phone: Easily identifiable through his photo

Taehyung’s phone: Identified from his text messages to ‘Noona’. He is the only one with an elder sister in the BU.

Jungkook’s phone: Identified throught this text message that says his name: ” Jungkook-ah”

Seokjin’s Phone: Identified from his photo diary which displays his name- S.J. Kim

Namjoon’s Phone: Identified through his library browsing activities. His phone cover looks like a wallet case and there is a cute touch of adding a power bank to it.

2. The dates are the same across each spread and some dates are repeated as follows:

KOR: 22 June

ENG: 31st May

JP: 22 June

ESP: 31st May

Since last time the clues were hints the Notes 2 – we can safely assume that this time these are hints for the next BU work- book/game/drama. Clearly the dates 31 May and 22 June will be significant in some way. A new loop? Who knows?

3. Now, there are 4 versions of each of these phones:

Version 1 : Switched Off

KOR: Hoseok’s phone is switched off

ENG: Jimin and Jin’s phones are switched off

JP: Taeyung and Yoongi’s phones are switched off

ESP: Jungkook and Namjoon’s phones are switched off

Version 2: Wallpapers

Here are the wallpapers for every phone. Of worth noticing are Yoongi’s, Namjoon’s, Jungkook’s, Jimin’s and Hoseok’s wallpapers.

Yoongi: Has a missed call notification from 9 hours ago – on 31st May

Jungkook: His wallpaper is intriguing as it mentions Paradise Lost.

Paradise Lost is a book by John Milton that presents Satan as a fallen angel . Could the title be referencing to the innocence Jungkook has lost after the accident since he is full of resentment towards Jin? While researching , I also found this interesting musical called ‘Paradise Lost: Shadows and Wings’- which talks of fallen angels in search of their wings.

In the Blood, Sweat and Tears Japanese version, something similar is shown- JK waking up from his bed with blood in the form of wings- symbolizing the loss of wings. BU JK is yet to take the leap into adulthood his friends have already made, and perhaps the next book could be exploring these themes- a search for wings aka identity and freedom.

Opening scene, BST Japanese

Apart from this , there are 5 apps/folders on his homescreen- Games , G-stream, I-talk, PenClip and Web- showing his interest in mobile games , and sketching .

Hoseok’s phone: The wallpaper seems to be of a man dancing. The screen also shows his step count for the day: 13, 062 steps, distance covered is 10.98 km, and calorie burnt is 510 kcal.

Namjoon’s Phone: The wallpaper is of a street , and Namjoon is listening to SBC Radio- Songju Broadcasting Company? ( @amruwithluv suggested this). He is listening specifically to Radio Theatre.

Jimin’s Phone: Jimin’s wallpaper has been identified as having been inspired from Serendipity MV! Thanks to @Alex who pointed this out to me !

Taken from Serendipity MV

Version 3: Free Time Activities

Jin: Taken from the Korean version dated 22 June, he seems to be operating an Insta page of some sorts – His name is mentioned as S.J. Kim and the title is My Photo Diary. The Diary is divided into two: Moments Alone and Moments Together. There are 3 photos uploaded.

My Photo Diary

Solitary Diary

  • Create a new diary

  • Wherever you go , the sea is the same. The unchanging sea, and the changing land- capturing that scenery in one frame. –Dated 15 March

Diary with Others

  • Sunset at Manhattan Beach , a click of summer last year. However, this….feels like a long time ago. –Dated : 11th April
  • Can I start something here again ?/ What can I start again, here? –Dated 2nd March

This reminds me of this note from Persona . According to this, last year in summer Jin was in L.A. with his aunt. Over there, he developed an interest in clicking pictures of the ocean , preferring the ocean over people since it did not change.

translated by @origami_firefly
translated by @origami_firefly

Jimin: Jimin is searching for Pullkot Arboretum on the map. The map mentions the entrance gate and the back gate. The back gate is where Jimin had ended up while being lost at the arboretum- and is where the storage room he took shelter at is located. The date here is 31 May ( taken from Spanish version)

translated by @origami_firefly

Namjoon: Taken from the Japanese version, he is searching for books to read. The books are available on rent from Songju Municipal Library dated 22 June.

Songju Municipal Library

Myth of Sisyphus – Albert Camus

The Awakening / Resurrection – Leo Tolstoy

The Good Life- Helen and Scott Nearing

In Search Of Lost Time- Marcel Proust

Cosmos- Carl Sagan

The Life Before Us- Romain Gary

The book choices definitely seem significant. Specially, The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus which is an Absurdist essay belonging to the existential school of thought. Along with the book ‘No Exit’ by Sartre ( also an existentialist) shown in the BU Game Trailer, these books are about the question of meaning in a meaningless world. I think this theme connects with BU Namjoon’s thoughts in Notes 2, and are also indicative of a broader theme Notes 3 might take as we delve into Shadow.

“What did it mean to survive? Being alive? Having a place to sleep and eat? Waking up in the morning and going to sleep at night? Spending each day like that? Not getting involved in the fear that I wouldn’t be able to handle the responsibility?…not doing a thing, trapped inside of myself? not doing a thing, and not doing a thing, and continuing to not do a thing…how is that different from being dead?

Namjoon, 12 June Year 22

It reminds me of Black Swan lyrics somehow. I have not read the other books, so I invite my readers to give me their perspective on them!

Jungkook: He is listening to music on 22 June ( taken from the Japanese version)

The playlist created is mostly fake. I tried searching for the songs but they don’t exist. They all seem to indicate a dark and questioning state of mind though . “I Still Believe” could be referencing Jungkook’s desire to still believe in his hyungs. He is currently listening to ” Shadow Boy”- perhaps a reference to the next theme of notes – Shadow Self. There is also Waiting For Godot . An absurdist play based on existential themes, the play also seeks to question meaning in a meaningless world. It goes along with the themes contained in choice of Namjoon’s books and suggests that meaning-making , identity , self purpose might become important themes for Notes 3.

“We always find something, eh Didi, to let us think we exist?”

― Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot

Hoseok: Hoseok is editing his dance video. The shot seems to be taken from Highlight Reel, probably from the recording Jimin made of him. The date matches with the date given in Highlight Reel : 31 May. ( Taken from Spanish version)

Highlight Reel

Yoongi: He is watching an NBA match on what looks like a replay. Most of the comments are in English. The one in Korean says: ” A scene that can be replayed endlessly!” The date is 22 August ( taken from English version).

Taehyung: It shows a payment receipt forHaejangguk which is also known as Hangover Soup. It is debatable who he is ordering for but in my opinion it could be for his alcoholic father. He has ordered it from Myeongtae Maeul ( Village)- which is a real franchise existing in Korea. Along with it, he ordered a side of bowl of rice, and chose the option of medium spicy- dated 22 August ( taken from the Korean version).

Version 4: Work/ School related

Yoongi: This is a bank balance sheet that shows bank transactions from 22 May to 22 June ( taken from Korean version)

Of worth noting are the last three transactions from the bottom: the money he earned from copyright, editing fee and from the Association of Music Performers. It seems like BU Yoongi is working seriously on his music. On the very top , there is a deposit of 500, 000 Won by Min Youngho who we can assume is Yoongi’s father.

Jin: Jin’s phone shows an attendance record on the date of 31st May ( taken from Spanish version). He seems to be studying something like an MBA. Since his enrollment in an university was not mentioned earlier, I wonder if it is a part of the new loop and its consequences.

Electronic Attendance

Seasonal Semester Enrollment Period Notice

Paper name : Management Statistics

Date and Time of Attendance: 31 May , 8:50 A.M.

Teacher: Professor Yoo SooJeong

Lecture Room: Mirae Youngjin Hall No 203. ( There is a similar hall in Korea Univeristy ).

Attendance: 14/16 weeks

Namjoon: Namjoon seems to be looking at a trading app. There is purchase history and selling history, however he is looking at his selling history. So far he has sold his fan, kettle, cooker, folding table etc . It seems to indicate that he is short of finances and thus selling household items. The locationnames given here are all different neighbourhoods of Songju. Gooan Dong is a new one introduced in Notes 2 as being in the downtown area. This is dated 31 May ( taken from the English version).

My Page

Selling Details

Electric Fan – Yeongsan Dong , Sunday

Electric Pot- Joongang Dong, 1 month ago

Folding Table- Yeongsan Dong, 3 months ago

Rice Cooker for 1- Goo-an Dong, 3 months ago

Electric Heating Pad- Yeongsan Dong- 5 months ago

On the bottom are photos of a drying rack, running shoes, bookcase and a wallet.

Jungkook: Has received a text message on 22 June ( taken from Korean version) from his teacher ( ) who asks, ” Jungkook are you doing better now? Friends too, all…”. This could be a reference to how his school education has been stalled because of his accident since it looks like the teacher is inquiring about his health.

Taehyung: Taehyung is texting his sister on 31st May ( taken from English version)


Tae: I am going out right now

It is gonna be late so you eat dinner and then come

Noona: What about father?

Tae: I’ll take care of it

Noona: Then, afternoon

around what time are you going in?

Tae ( still typing) : when you come , just cont(act) (cut off)

Translation credits: @tteokminnie

He is texting his sister after presumably from work . The conversation seems to indicate that he is going out somewhere for a while. It is mentioned in Notes 1 and 2 both how Taehyung hates to be in the company of his father. Thus in the absence of his sister, he chooses to instead go out.

Hoseok: Hoseok is texting a group chat of Two Star employees as indicated by the GC Name. The chat goes is dated 22 June ( taken from Japanese version) and goes as follows:

Customer Response Manual: Head Office Notice

Hoseok: Are there many people who got shocked and injured yesterday evening?

The head office has made a manual to refer to for such incidents in the future. Thank you for your hard work.

Person 1 : Yesterday really…

Person 2 : Drunken customers are really scary..

Even then you can’t kick them out

Person 3: Why? What happened yesterday?

Person 1 : Still, we

Manager-nim responded actively, it is a relief! ^_^

This indicates that Hoseok has become a manager at Two Star Burger , moreover a manager who is considerate and appreciated by his co-workers. He was quick to release a manual in the light of an unpleasant situation. To become a manager was something Hoseok desired in Notes 2, but ultimately he did not accept the title and responsibility given to him of Hagok’s Two Star Branch. This could indicate that Hoseok was offered Manager role for Songju itself.

Jimin: Jimin has a Google Calendar of the month June open on his phone ( taken from the Korean version) . It has the following activities listed:


31 May: Just Dance Tour

3 June: Personal practice with Hoseok Hyung

6 June: Practice Room

7 June: Just Dance Regular Meeting

9 June: Songju Cultural Centre: <고양이마을 외 ( Outside The Cat Village)- Hoseok Hyung, Noona

12 June-16 June: Exam Registration ( unsure of first word)

14 June: Just Dance Regular Meeting

21 June: Just Dance Regular Meeting

22 June ( marked with a star): 6th Mock Test

23 June: Hospital treatment/care

26 June: 7th Mock test- registration / Practice Room

28 June: Just Dance Regular Meeting

We know from this notes in Persona that Jimin has been encouraged by his parents to pursue his GED exam for high school diploma because of the gap in his education caused by his hospital stay. The Mock Test referred here seems to be a preliminary test high school students take every few months in preparation for C-SAT

translated by @origami_firefly

This schedule shows his busy life grappling with scholarly ambitions and dance dreams. For me , I am very curious about this event called ‘ Outside the Cat Village’. On research, I found it to be the Korean title for ‘Cat Town’ a poetry-prose novella by modern Sakutaro Hagiwara ( Neko Machi).

Book cover taken from Yes24

It is a famous novella that uses the world of cats to deal with themes such as nihilism , existentialism , pessimism and despair. His poems deal with existential anxiety , and the author himself revealed his inspiration to be drawn from Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. This further confirms my idea that the next book will deal with existential themes.

Also could this book be where the inspiration for our cat was taken? Perhaps. I will try my best to read this book quickly and offer my thoughts on any connections!

In conclusion, there are quite a lot of seemingly casual but specific incidents around the dates of 31 May and 22 June that can be of significance in future. It also seems that we are entering an era marked by existentialism and questions of idenitity/ worth and overall the theme might be marked by Shadow archetype of Jungian philosophy of MOTS.

What are your thoughts on this analysis? Please leave me lots of feedback and quotes/comments so I can know.

I cannot end this without giving a shoutout to @reminy for procuring the Japanese scans, @may for kindly distributing the same, @tteokminnie who helped us translate in the beginning, @amruwithluv for co-translating , @mogu for being so kind and providing me with the Spanish version, @Sub_version for giving me a great scan of the English version’s spread , @Defne for sharing the close ups of English version, @skye for her wonderful centered solo shots of the Korean version of the phones, @Yoonji for tolerating my demands and helping me out, @jhsjoonie , @Chaya and @HYYHCrazy for also co-translating and being great support!!

My translations here are still missing some minor details. Once complete, will be posting on Twitter in layout format with the help of @Chaya . Please look forward to them!

Character Map

Taehyung- The Lone Wolf

Name : Kim Taehyung

Age : 18/19 years

Family : Father, Mother, Sister (Kim Eunhye) (All alive)

Interests : Graffiti

Fears: being unable to protect his sister, inheriting his dads violent streak

Important pairs : Taehyung- Namjoon, Taehyung- Hoseok

Pets : White dog- Dubu

House: Magnolia Mansion 1, Apt 1

Occupation: works at a convenience store

I almost killed my father, my father who gave birth to me, who beat me to a pulp every single day. No, the truth is I already did. I killed him thousands of times.I killed him so many times even I couldn’t count. I want to kill him.

Taehyung ( May 20 Yr 22 )

Feb 28 Yr 10 : Young Taehyung sneaks food to feed a stray dog named Dongyi. He sees an older boy petting it and feels upset. Taehyung tells him that he plans to adopt the dog once his family moves to a bigger house and then asks if the boy could not afford a dog. He advises him to beg his dad because dads are weak for their sons. It is then revealed that the boy was Seokjin. This is the first time they meet each other. We know that Seokjin’s family is well-off but his dad is very strict and probably wont let him get a dog.

Dec 29 Yr 20 : Taehyung returns home and runs to his father, who hasn’t been home for quite some time. His father is drunk. He slaps and curses at Taehyung. Taehyung feels terrified and gets knocked out.

This is probably the first of the many encounters of abuse he faces over the years. Later, we come to know his mother abandons him and his sister because of the abuse.

He attends Songju High School where he meets the other boys. Jimin and him are in the same class and he greets Jimin in the abandoned classroom for the first time.

He frequently gets into fights, bunks classes. He looks upto Namjoon alot. During the school days, he hides his bruises well and doesn’t tell his troubles to anyone.

March 20 Yr 20 : He overhears Seokjin telling the principal everything Taehyung and Yoongi did the last few days (skipping class, climbing over walls and fighting others) in the abandoned classroom. Namjoon who was also standing outside the door is shocked too but when Seokjin tries to explain himself, he tells him it’s okay, because he must have a reason for what he did.

Taehyung is shocked at this but decides to act as if he has not overheard anything and act like nothing has happened because he trusts Namjoon’s judgement.

 ’’Namjoon hyung must have had a reason. Because hyung knew more than me, and was smarter and older’’

June 7 Yr 20 : Taehyung’s 2 month old pet dog, Dubu runs away and Taehyung searches for it. Although he blames the dog for being stupid, deep down he knows it is his fault.He begins to wonder if the dog didn’t like living with him.He thinks that Dubu is his only happiness and losing him is like losing family.

When Dubu comes running back to him, he realises that he is the only family to Dubu as well, and maybe he can be someone who is reliable and a place to come back to. 

After the boys split up in Year 20, Taehyung is all alone like the rest of them. Unfortunately, the breakup leads him to his turmoil period. He starts to do graffiti resulting in many encounters with the police.

’’I had no idea what the colors on the wall represented. But one thing I could figure out was that it was my feelings… At first I thought it was hideous, dirty, even. Foolish, useless, pathetic. I didn’t like it at all. I rubbed the wet paint with my palms, wanting to erase everything away. … It wasn’t a matter of whether I liked it or not, nor whether it was pretty or not. It’s just, it was me.’’

March 29 Yr 22: Taehyung gets caught by the owner of a gas station while doing grafitti. The owner yells at him and hits him, making him cough up blood.

’’Getting beaten was something far too familiar to me but at the same time, something I could never get used to.’’

Then he sees a hand picking up his spray can. Taehyung looks up to see Namjoon (who works at gas station), whom he has not seen for almost 2 years. Namjoon’s hands feel warm to him.


At a very young age, Taehyung and his sister were abandoned by their mother, who was unable to bear her husband’s abuse. They were left to fend for themselves in the home of an abusive alcoholic. They suffer abuse throughout their childhood and into adulthood. His sister tries to protect him and asks him to not interfere whenever she is being hit.

Nobody knows of his suffering, whether by his father’s hand or the soul-crushing guilt he feels because he feels powerless to stop him. He hides his pain behind his huge square grin and outspoken persona because his pride stops him from asking help.  Although the boys see bruises on his face and back they don’t acknowledge them.

The more he suppresses himself, the more he becomes violent. He lashes out and his friends and gets into trouble all the time. He only half remembers events from previous timelines of killing his father but deep down he knows he is capable of it. This makes him afraid of his own self and his potential for being just as violent as his father.

Throughout the storyline we see Taehyung has a very close relationship with Namjoon. In absence of a loving family or a responsible parent figure, he looks upto Namjoon as someone he can rely on and confide himself. He crashes at Namjoon’s container whenever he feels like not going home. He calls up Namjoon for help when he gets arrested. He even calls him on the day he stabbed his father in one of the timelines.

Namjoon on the other hand, fails to give Taehyung the support he wishes, back in school and even later. Taehyung begins to resent him because of a misunderstanding when he overhears a call in which Namjoon is talking of his younger brother.

“I couldn’t imagine how he must be feeling when I felt this chilly inside. His heart must’ve felt ripped and torn. Or, does he have a heart left at all? How much anguish has he endured? … I first saw the scars on Taehyung’s back in Namjoon’s container. I couldn’t bring myself to ask about it when he was smiling so broadly with his new T-shirt present.”

Hoseok, May 20 Year 22

We also see several interactions with Hoseok who was abandoned by his own mother and is very observant of Taehyung, and feels that they are both desolate. On May 20, Year 22, Seokjin sends Hoseok to check on Taehyung. It is because of Hoseok’s presence that Taehyung ends up not killing his father. Taehyung was uncontrollably angry at his father and wanted to kill him but he doesn’t stab him and he gets away. Instead of stabbing him, he smashes a bottle on the floor.

The uncontrollable rage and sorrow that had welled up inside me when I flung myself at Dad were still fresh in my mind. I didn’t know why I hadn’t stabbed him when I had the chance. What was holding me back?

Taehyung, May 20 Yr 22


The dreams seemed to be demanding some kind of answer from me. As if they were telling me that there was a problem and I had to fix it. But I couldn’t do a thing on my own.

Taehyung, 10 July, Yr 22

Taehyung gets dreams about future events and previous timelines. None of the members except Seokjin remember the loops, but Taehyung sees them in his dreams. He also forsees that Yoongi dies in a fire, Jungkook’s accident, Jimin drowning and even Seokjin’s girl’s accident. At the end of the Notes 1 book, we see that he gets a recurrent dream in which Namjoon’s container is on fire. A possible theory is that this is a gift from the magical cat as well!

He also dreams of Seokjin’s face, even before they actually meet in the current timeline and draws him. Graffiti and vandalism help as an outlet for all his emotional distress but he always ends up getting into trouble for this reason. Also through these, Taehyung starts to suspect that Seokjin is upto something. He suspects that Seokjin is meddling with their lives and confronts him. The lack of support from Namjoon upsets him. When he snaps at Namjoon, Seokjin hits Taehyung.

“Is that all? Is there anything else you’re hiding from us?” Immediately, our surroundings became still. Everyone’s attention turned to me. I stared straight at Seokjin… “What’s so amazing about us being together? What are we to each other anyway? We’re all gonna be alone in the end.” That’s when Seokjin hit me.

Taehyung, 22 May Year 22

The graffiti could also serve as a reminder of previous timelines- A pro memoria. This is significant because, Taehyung’s dreams are like a compass to Seokjin who is lost trying to save the members. They can provide direction to Seokjin. By working together, they have a chance at finding the Map of The Soul and ending it all. Namjoon, who at first dismisses Taehyung starts believing in him. In the new timeline, we see them reconciling their differences and working together.

We also see that Taehyung slowly begins to sympathize with his dad, even though he doesn’t want to. He no longer sees himself as powerless, but steps up to protect his sister and the girl he became friends with, when necessary. He also realizes that it was not his fault that his mother ran away. The girl’s words to him, “It’s not your fault” help him let go of the resentment he held towards his mother.

I heard my sister’s screams beyond the door. I swiftly swung open the door and went in. A familiar scene unfolded. I blocked my father. I grabbed his arm and stared straight into his face. At first, my father looked surprised but then he immediately swung his fist. I was knocked down again and again…

Merciless blows poured down on my back and shoulders, but the more it happened the tighter I held onto my father.It wasn’t that it didn’t hurt. It wasn’t that I wasn’t scared. But if my hands let go, the same cycle will be repeated. I wanted it to be different. I wanted it to change. 

“I hate this. I’m different from you. I’ll be the one to protect our family.”

Taehyung, 11 Aug Year 22

Thanks so much for reading, and have a lovely day!


Character Map

Seokjin – The Good Kid

Name : Kim Seokjin

Age : 22 years

Family : Father (Alive) , Mother (Dead), Grandmother (Alive)

Interests : Photography/Filmography

Fears: Authority/His Controlling Father, Being a bad person

Ability: Time Travel

I believed I could solve it all by persuading them and changing things. That was what I had thought. I was that simple and naive. But it was no more than an attempt to save myself. It wasn’t so simple to save others.

Seokjin May 2 Yr 22

October 10 Yr 9 : Seokjin tries to protect his classmate, Mr. Choi’s son from goons who want to hold him for ransom. Both run away and hide in Seokjin’s house. But the men appear over there too. It seems as though Jin’s dad is the one who brought them. Jin pleads his dad to save his friend.

I held onto my friend’s arm, and dad grasped my shoulder and pulled it hard. I had to let go of my friend’s arm.“It hurts!” I screamed, but dad didn’t let go.”

The next day, he comes to know that his friend has transferred schools.

July 21 Yr 12 : Seokjin’s mother died few days back and his dad told him not to cry (and he didn’t cry himself). His dad decides to send him away to his maternal grandmother in LA. Seokjin waits for his father at the airport to send him off, but his dad never comes.

March 2 Yr 19 : Seokjin returns to Songju and joins the Songju High School that his father also studied at. His dad and him have a conversation with the principal on the first day about the importance of rules and regulations.

“ School in general is a dangerous place, we need order and control. Don’t you think so as well ?… As I hesitated, my father’s grip on my shoulder became harder. “You know you’ll have to keep me informed, right? You need to be a good student, Seokjin.”

His father squeezes his shoulder so tightly that it hurts until Seokjin agrees with the Principal.

Seokjin and the other 6 boys meet in an abandoned classroom that they were asked to clean as punishment for coming late to school. Later, they started hanging out together and that classroom becomes their hideout.

June 12 Yr 19 : The boys go to the beach in search of a special rock that grants wishes. On their way Jungkook asks the members, what their dreams are. Seokjin says his dream is to ‘become a good person’.

Unfortunately. they come to know that the rock was blown into pieces to make space for a 5 star hotel construction project. Only countless tiny pebbles from the rock remain leaving them dejected.

Suddenly Seokjin followed by other members start shouting their wishes out loud to sea but they can’t hear each other because of the drilling sound. They quickly stop yelling as soon as the drilling sounds stop and start laughing.

“”Let’s take a photo here,” Seokjin suggested. We all stood in a row, with the sea behind us. Seokjin set the timer and sprinted to us before the timer went off. This day in the sweltering heat of early summer became imprinted in our memories in this photo. ”

June 25 Yr 19 : In the abandoned classroom, he notices his father’s name among the scribbles on the walls. Seokjin wonders if there were students like them, who got punished for misbehaving and missing classes, and if there was someone like him, who talked to the principal about his friends behind their backs.

Below his father’s name, he also reads a sentence: “Everything started here.” 

March 20 Yr 20 : Taehyung overhears Seokjin telling about Yoongi and Taehyung getting into fights and bunking school to their principal over the phone.

He’s shocked but decides to let it go because Namjoon says to Seokjin that he must have had a reason to do so.

July 17 Yr 20 :Yoongi gets expelled because Seokjin tells the principal about their hideout. He feels responsible for Yoongi’s expulsion. Guilt ridden, he begins to avoid them and feels wretched seeing Hoseok and Jimin be as cheerful as ever with him. He thinks that he ruined all the good times they had together. 

Eventually the boys go separate ways and don’t meet for two years.

Year 21 : Seokjin goes back to US. He feels that he ran away from the boys. He thinks about how he hides his feelings and smiles awkwardly, as a way to become a good person, just like his father does.

He takes photos of the sea and thinks the only place he was truly happy was with the boys with whom he could smile genuinely and didn’t need to hide his feelings away. He misses the boys and wonders what they think of him.

Feb 1 Yr 22 : Seokjin returns to Songju from LA because his father told him to return over the phone but he doesn’t know why he was called back but he thinks there might be a reason. (He could have been called to join his father’s company.)

He realises he never felt at home in his house nor in LA.

April 11 Yr 22 : Seokjin sees the boys from afar but doesn’t go to meet them. He sees Jungkook going to school and passes by Namjoon at the Petrol Station.

May 22 Yr 22 : Seokjin ends up dreaming that his friends were drowning and he is unable to save them. He decides to check on them, and goes to meet Namjoon who is in jail because he fought with the customer on the same night Seokjin passed by him.

He also learns that Yoongi and Jungkook are dead, Hoseok is in the hospital and Jimin’s whereabouts are not known.

He feels guilty because he thinks that if he had stopped to talk to Namjoon that night, he could have avoided him being sent to jail.

As he walks out of the police station, he sees Taehyung being arrested for the murder of his father.

He goes to the beach and wonders,

There was a time when the seven of us were happy together, knowing we had each other. Where did it all go wrong? Everyone ended miserable after we split up

May 22 Yr 22 : There he hears a voice that asks him that if he could turn back time, does he believe that he could save everyone. To which he answers, if he could really turn back time, he would do anything to straighten their mistakes and save everyone.

That voice belongs to a magical cat who grants him powers to go back in time!

That is how he ends up going back to April 11th, and thus his struggle as a time traveller and several attempts to save his friends begins. He ends up making a pact with another voice who tells him

“… This is the fate you must go through. You wont make it out here alone in this entangled destiny…”


For as long as I could remember, I was always by myself. Dad was busy and mom was indifferent. They told me to do what I was told and not try anything else. When I disobeyed, they scolded me with silence. I wanted to please my parents.

Seokjin, July 21 Yr 12

Seokjin’s father is very controlling and expects nothing but the best from him. Trying to meet expectations, Seokjin feels stuck and unable to be genuinely himself. In order to be a good kid, he starts spying on his friends on the Prinicipal’s orders, much to his discomfort. Eventually, The Principal starts suspecting Seokjin of protecting his friends and threatens Jin with telling his father. To save himself, he reveals their hideout-expecting no one. However, Jungkook and Yoongi get caught and Yoongi gets expelled as a result. This further increases Jin’s feeling of guilt and he decides to avoid the boys instead of confessing.

The in-ear piece associated with him in Awake, Fake Love teasers are symbolic of him being controlled by authority.

Seokjin feels guilty for breaking his friends apart. This guilt is what fuels all of his efforts to ‘save’ his friends by time travel. It takes him countless loops of him watching his friends die in front of his own eyes to realize the true depth of the cat’s question.

22년 5월 2일
모든 실수와 잘못을 바로잡고 모두를 구할 수 있을까. 나는 이 질문의 무게를 짐작조차 하지 못했다. (1/15)

#화양연화 #TheNotes1 #SMERALDOBOOKS

Originally tweeted by SMERALDO BOOKS (@Smeraldo_Books) on January 7, 2019.

He slowly realises that he can’t save everyone on his own. Thus,he starts to control his friends’ actions secretly to save each other like sending Jungkook to save Yoongi, Hoseok to save Taehyung and so on. This however makes him manipulative like his father.

“It’s not something you can do alone.” Those words mean more to me now than they had long before all of this started. They finally made sense…Maybe we were tied up together with strings, supporting one another.

Seokjin, May 2 Yr 22

After many trials and errors when he is able to finally reunite all his friends, they go to the beach again. Feeling uneasy, he confesses about him ratting out Yoongi in school but Taehyung confronts him and asks him if he was hiding anything else from them. At the end, he is unable to confess and ends up punching Taehyung and leaving the scene. This leads to the boys falling apart once again and Jungkook’s car accident.


Jin’s desire to be a good person is reflected once again through the story of the Smeraldo. The legend of Smeraldo revolves around a man who hid his true self, and created a fake flower to impress the girl he loved. Jin too, when he finds the diary of the girl he likes, starts to follow the wishlist in the diary to impress her and fakes having the same interests as her. One of the wishes is to find a ‘Mysterious Flower’ i.e. the Smeraldo which Jin tries his best to find for her.

I wanted to make her happy and make her laugh. I felt like I became a better person whenever I made her happy. As if all my past mistakes vanished.

Seokjin, Aug 15, Yr 22

Although he knows he is decieving her by not telling her about his possession of her diary, he is afraid that she might leave him like his friends once she knew his truth. This eventually leads to the girl’s accident. Jin once again fails to be truthful to himself and his loved ones.

Seokjin never gets a chance to develop his own identity, being consumed by the idea of a ‘good’ son, a ‘good’ friend and a ‘good’ person. He regrets his past and tries to control the present in hopes for a better future. But fails terribly at it.

This brings me to the concept of Amor Fati or the ability to Love Your Fate. In order for him to succeed, he must first learn to stop living with regrets, accept and love himself the way he is. This is the Answer he realises at the end of the Highlight Reels.


In the next step of his journey, Seokjin, after repeated failures receives a clue from the voice : to find ‘THE MAP OF THE SOUL‘.

Now that he has learnt to Love Himself, he must Know Himself. To understand who he really is, he must embark on a journey to know his true self.

to come to the end of the process of finding one’s self means to return to the starting point. What must be discovered in the end is the beginning of everything, the milestone, the map of the soul, although a part of everyone it is not discovered by anyone, i will try to find it, starting now…’

Seokjin, Epiphany


The hint has a price to pay, according the voice. My theory is that the price is Jin is slowly forgetting his happy memories with the boys. He is losing the happiest part of himself. Many notes indicate that he is becoming cold and emotionless just like his father as the loops repeat over and over again. He almost becomes robotic , focused on a getting out of the loop even if it means hurting others.

Seokjin is not alone in this journey however, we see that now his friends guide and help him in discovering map of the soul. On Aug 3 Yr 22 Seokjin, along with his friends, goes back to the abandoned classroom and discovers his Dad’s diary in a hidden part of the wall which he calls the ” bent map of his dad’s soul”. He comes to understand what map of the soul means and realizes that through all of his mistakes he finally reached ‘where everything started‘ and took the first step in finding the Map of the Soul. His memories gush back to him when he sees the photos he has taken of his friends over the years , and then he finds something shimmering in his pocket! A compass to find the Map Of the Soul perhaps? Or Map Of the Soul itself? (Aug 3 Yr 22)


In order to achieve his Map of the Soul, I believe it is crucial that Seokjin stands up to his father who directly or indirectly affects the fates of his friends . This is an important step in realizing his own identity- he will have to break out of ‘Good Kid’ persona to achieve his individuation.

Dear Readers, Thank you for reading!


Character Map

The Boy Who Plays With Fire-Min Yoongi

Name : Min Yoongi

Age : 21 years

Family : Father (Alive) , Mother (Dead)

Interests : Music, playing basketball

Fears: A lightless dark room, becoming close to someone

Important pairs : Yoongi- Jungkook , Yoongi- Jimin

Occupation : Composes music at a music workroom

I didn’t want to get involved in someone else’s life. Didn’t want to comfort someone else’s loneliness. Didn’t want to become a meaningful person to someone else.

Yoongi ( Apr 7 Yr 22 )

July 25 Yr 15 : Yoongi’s mother, who is also a musician, is teaching him to play Chopin. He ignores the sheet music and plays according to his emotions. His mother scolds him. Yoongi gets upset at her and throws her trophy at the piano and breaks one of the keys.

Sept 19 Yr 16 : Yoongi’s mother commits suicide by arson and Yoongi is unable to save her. His house crashes into a rubble like a House of Cards while he stands watching.

He revisits his old house once, after his mother’s funeral. There he finds the burnt piano and takes with him a half- burnt piano key.

He lives with his full-time soldier father. His father has strict rules and Yoongi feels suffocated living with him. But, he has no choice but to stay because he still is dependant on his father for money. His father scolds him for playing the piano and tells him he might go crazy and kill himself like his mom. He never understood his dad and was not able to persuade him.

He attends Songju High School where he meets the other boys. He bunks classes frequently and hangouts in an abandoned classroom. He becomes close to Jungkook and plays the piano for him.

“In the distance, I was sitting in front of the piano with Jungkook. Jungkook said something, and I laughed. … this scene was imprinted on my memory as clear as day. ”.

June 12 Yr 19 : The boys go to the beach and we see the special connection that Jungkook and Yoongi have. Yoongi notices Jungkook biting his nails and tells him that he shouldn’t.

Yoongi showed me his fingers. “They’ll become like mine.” He also had raw cuticles from biting his nails.

Later Jungkook tries to stop Yoongi when he seems to be biting his nails. Jungkook asks him

“Is the world tough for you, too?” and “Do you want to give up on the world, too?”

This shows how similar Yoongi and Jungkook are. They have similar tendencies to hurt themselves. They found someone who can understand each other’s pain.

June 25 Yr 20 : A teacher finds out Yoongi and Jungkook skipping class and hit Jungkook. Yoongi steps in and pushes the teacher and ends up getting expelled from school for violence.

He decides to never play the piano again and drifts away from the boys.

April 7 Yr 22 : Drunk Yoongi wanders around in a construction site. He hears a familiar song that he used to play.

He almost gets hit by a car and suddenly the piano sounds stops and he hears a fist banging on the piano. It is similar to his childhood nightmare.

He feels a sense of Dejà Vu as he runs towards the piano. There he sees Jungkook for the first time in two years who is crying.


He feels an immense amount of guilt, even for things that aren’t his fault. He feels guilty for his mother’s death because he was unable to save her. Yoongi chooses to stay away from others in order to prevent causing pain to them. He believes he will get hurt if he becomes too close to someone. He believes he will not be able to protect them. He pushes Jungkook away and does not even go to the hospital where Jungkook was.

Music and the piano are also important to Yoongi. He inherited his talent from his mother. but he keeps rejecting it. Jungkook helps Yoongi accept his love for music which helps him grow and overcome his self destructive behaviour and anxiety.

Although, Yoongi was planning to set his room on fire, he stops himself from giving in to the urge to kill himself because of a small wounded bird flies into his room and he protects it. The same way, Jungkook can become a reason for Yoongi to live.

I thought of Jungkook’s words. ‘It’s because i like your music hyung. Because listening to your piano makes me cry. I wanted to die several times a day. but when I hear hyung’s piano i want to live. Hyung’s music feels like my own feelings.

Yoongi June 13 Yr 22

Yoongi also has a close friendship with Hoseok. Hoseok mentions having known Yoongi since middle school and standing by him through his mother’s death and after. Hoseok puts up with his complex personality and cares a lot for him. At his lowest moment after coming to know of Jungkook’s accident- Hoseok is the one who scolds him to think of others and to not abandon music. Taking his words seriously, Yoongi begins composing again and dedicates a song called ‘Hope‘ for Hoseok.

Apart from Hoseok, we also see brief interactions with Jimin . Yoongi can sense that Jimin has a problem with the arboretum on their way to the beach in Year 19, and in one instance Jimin asks for his company in visiting the arboretum as well.

Yoongi eventually learns to face his fears and not run away from music. Through music, we see him grow and heal from his past.

Suddenly I wanted to play the piano. Inside it, I wanted to meet the me who had only pretended to be strong, even though in reality I was fearful and cowardly. I wanted to pour out curses and make wisecracks and give wounds and hit and destroy and hold and cry. And I didn’t want to run away. I wanted to complete the melody that had been made by the guitar and piano. This time, it seemed like I could. 

Yoongi, 29 July, Yr 22

Thanks so much for reading, and have a lovely day!


BU · graphic lyric books · Theories


Finally onto the last one ! Butterfly is a personal favorite of mine – the song is close to my heart and the illustrations by Lee Kyutae are nothing short of wonderful.

Source: Amazon Preview

The description for Butterfly on Amazon misses out on the art style used but here it is:

“Vol. 5 Butterfly is about a boy who sees all of his friends somewhere between dream and reality, and past and future. Finally, the boy starts to walk in one direction, as if he has made up his mind, signaling an end which is also a new beginning.”

The Korean description mentions deliberately using divided pages that mix and match to create the effect of confusion- and to accurately convey the feeling of a boy who journeys between past and present, dream and reality. The story here is from Jin’s point of view- and I think the divided pages reflect all the timelines Jin goes through to achieve his end goal- saving everyone and going on a beach visit again with all 7 of them.

A Brief Introduction: On 12 June Year 19, all 7 of them go to the beach together on a sunny day. The day starts the beginning of Jungkook and Yoongi’s bond , and is a memorable and precious day for all of them. After Jin leaves for L.A. to continue his higher education, he comes back in April 2022 to find all his friends scattered and in horrible conditions- eventually Namjoon ends up in jail, Taehyung kills his Dad, Yoongi and Jungkook die by suicide, and Hoseok and Jimin end up in the hospital due to their mental illnesses. Seokjin drives to the beach again and wonders if he can save them all

Source: Save Me, Episode 2

After this, his time traveling begins as he tries to save them one by one- failing again and again. He mentions to others that once he is done saving them all – he would like going to that beach again.

Source: Save Me, Episode 3

In the Book- they do end up going, but a fight breaks out afterwards causing the timeline to fail again. We are yet to see if they Jin achieves his dream fully or not. This graphic lyrics book will deal with this dream of Seokjin.

Most of the scenes used in this book have been taken from HYYH On Stage: Prologue which uses the same song as a background. For this volume, I will not be doing so much of an analysis per se but will instead note down the references to the MV, other MVs, and discuss what is new. This is also mostly because the way you open the pages is your take on it – and this ‘interpretation’ will be my take on it .

Then, let us start. Translations do not belong to me, but Doolset.


How beautiful ! This scenery is of the woods that lead us to the scenery seen in prologue


This shot is of the 5 members- Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook who are running to meet Taehyung after he calls Namjoon (after killing his father). This shot is there in the MV as well

Next, we arrive at the first divided page: dividing Jin from the rest of the members- creating the effect that he is seeing this separately:

The small recording sign is just like in the MV.

An interesting thing to note here is that Jungkook’s outfit does not match with the MV- everyone else’s matches but Jungkook is instead wearing his yellow jacket seen in Euphoria.

on the sets of Euphoria

As you flip the pages: the lyrics appear

This is the conventional way to flip- it is how the pages are in real order, but you can always mix them up

아무것도 생각하지 마
Don’t think of anything

넌 아무 말도 꺼내지도 마
Don’t bring up any word

그냥 내게 웃어줘
Please just smile at me

난 아직도 믿기지가 않아
I still can’t believe it

이 모든 게 다 꿈인 것 같아
All of this feels like a dream

사라지려 하지마
Don’t try to fade away

This shot of Taehyung’s hand is seen in both Euphoria and Prologue

The last line is separated from the rest- and if you mix up the images a little bit for example like this:


The meaning changes to:

Is it true? Is it true?

You You

너무 아름다워 두려워
You’re so beautiful that I’m scared

사라지려 하지마
Don’t try to fade away

With the shot of Taehyung’s hand and Taejoon having fun in the upper panel, the meaning becomes even more poignant as you think of Taehyung fearing he will lose these precious moments. This is just one possible way you can add your own unique interpretations to the book.

In the next scene we have:

This is the actual order of the pages , and the lyrics in the last line change to:

Untrue Untrue

You You You

In this context the lyrics take on the meaning of Jin wondering if he is just dreaming – is it true what he sees?

The shot of Taejoon is seen in Prologue, and that of Jin in I Need U

Source: I Need U

Next up is this:

곁에 머물러줄래
Will you stay by my side

내게 약속해줄래
Will you promise me

손 대면 날아갈까 부서질까
If I touch you, that you might fly away, that you might be shattered,

겁나 겁나 겁나
I’m scared scared scared

The rest of the boys play happily as Seokjin is sitting alone on his bed. The lyrics emphasize his desire to be with all of them, but at the same time of losing them all if he makes one wrong move.

In the next scene, Seokjin moves his curtains- an action that has been interpreted as him time-traveling

시간을 멈출래
I would stop the time

이 순간이 지나면
Once this moment passes by,

없었던 일이 될까
that it might become something that didn’t happen,

널 잃을까
that I might lose you,

겁나 겁나 겁나
I’m scared scared scared

In the upwards panel we see Jimin dancing while Hoseok watches fondly. This scene is from Euphoria:

The vending machine with Coke written on it are clues that this scene takes place in the cafetaria of the hospital Jimin is at. However, there has been one change: Jimin was alone then, but now he has Hoseok by his side.

The lyrics again match Jin’s determination to ‘stop the time’ as well his fear that what he ends up doing may become ‘something that did not happen’.

The lyrics go like this ( only put up the ones in pure Korean for understanding)-

넌 마치 Butterfly
You’re just like a butterfly

멀리서 훔쳐봐 손 닿으면 널 잃을까
I steal a glance of you from far away fearing that I might lose you if my hand touches you

이 칠흑 같은 어둠 속 날 밝히는 나비효과
The butterfly effect that shines on me in this pitch-darkness

니 작은 손짓 한 번에 현실을 잊어 난
Just a gentle hand gesture of yours makes me forget the reality

Again in this context, the lyrics talk about Jin’s time-traveling. The Butterfly Effect is : “The butterfly effect is the idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system. The concept is imagined with a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a typhoon.” ( Source) It is the idea that the very smallest of changes creates a whole new alternate reality. As Jin time travels- very often the smallest of his decisions completely alter the timeline .

In the next scene- we arrive at a scene we have never seen before:

살며시 쓰다듬는 바람 같아
Like a wind that gently strokes me,

살포시 표류하는 먼지 같아
like a dust that lightly drifts in the air,

넌 거기 있지만 왠지 닿지 않아
you’re there but, for some reason, I can’t reach you


꿈 같은 넌 내게 butterfly, high
A dream-like you, you’re a butterfly to me, high

Jimin and Hoseok are in their Prologue outfits, but they are in the dance studio with from Highlight Reel- in which strangely we were never shown them dancing together. It was either the girl and Jimin, or the girl and Hoseok. Were the girls a part of a butterfly effect?

Actually Jimin’s outfit resembles this more than his Prologue one

The lyrics once again convey the anguish Jin feels as if he cannot quite grasp his dream yet.

Next we have this:

곁에 머물러줄래
Will you stay by my side

내게 약속해줄래
Will you promise me

손 대면 날아갈까 부서질까
If I touch you, that you might fly away, that you might be shattered,

겁나 겁나 겁나
I’m scared scared scared

Jungkook walking is a familiar scene seen in INU, Prologue and Euphoria. Here he is in the Euphoria jacket- and the exact parallel does not exist, but here is the corresponding scene in the Prologue:

Another butterfly effect? Seokjin sits resignedly on the bed- and it seems as if this timeline failed too

Next we come to this:

시간을 멈출래
I would stop the time

이 순간이 지나면
Once this moment passes,

없었던 일이 될까
that it might become something that didn’t happen,

널 잃을까
that I might lose you,

겁나 겁나 겁나
I’m scared scared scared

Here, Jin seems determined to try again and opens his curtains once more: and the scene in the upper panel seems new : we have not yet seen Taehyung and Namjoon laughing together in the container in any MV yet , but we do have a similar scene from the Run Graphic Lyrics:

What it does remind me of is this:

The drawing of Jin parallels this shot from INU

Next we come to this:

The recording sign is back- but is not red- so the recording stopped. Moreover, in the lower panel , Jin disappears – probably meaning that he has finally head out to meet his friends/ that he has stopped traveling in time.

The lyrics for this spread are very important:

심장은 메마른 소리를 내
My heart makes a dry sound

꿈인지 현실인지 알 수 없네
I don’t know if it’s a dream or the reality

나의 해변의 카프카여
My Kafka on the shore,

저기 숲으로 가진 말아줘
please don’t go to the forest over there

내 마음은 아직 너 위에 부서져
My heart still breaks into pieces over you

조각조각 까맣게 녹아 흘러
that melt black and flow down

(난 그냥 이대로 증발하고 싶어)
(I just want to evaporate away like this)

내 사랑은 영원인 걸
My love is eternity

It’s all FREE for you baby

Of these lines , ” My Kafka on the Shore, don’t go to forests over there” are particularly significant. Kafka on the Shore is a novel by Haruki Murakami that too intersects between past and present, dream and reality. The plot of the novel is too complex to be described here, but I’ll talk a little about the forests. In the novel, Kafka is warned to not get lost in the woods- he goes there to go to the past, to meet the love of his life. However, people who go to the woods often lose their way and never come out. In other words it is a metaphor for people who get lost in their pasts and never face reality. These lyrics are juxtaposed with a plain scene of the forest, and an empty bed , suggesting that perhaps like Kafka, Jin too has made the choice of visiting the woods.

곁에 머물러줄래
Will you stay by my side

내게 약속해줄래
Will you promise me

손 대면 날아갈까 부서질까
If I touch you, that you might fly away, that you might be shattered,

겁나 겁나 겁나
I’m scared scared scared

Finally, we have Jin in one frame with the others- reunited in the very end. Perhaps this scene now is the realization of Jin’s dream – all of them together at the beach, smiling happily. This scene is inspired from this:

Next we have this very iconic scene from the Prologue:

시간을 멈출래
I would stop the time

이 순간이 지나면
Once this moment passes,

없었던 일이 될까, 널 잃을까
that it might become something that didn’t happen, that I might lose you,

겁나 겁나 겁나
I’m scared scared scared

From right to left: Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, Jin, Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi.

The scene from Prologue

This is the scene of all of them sitting side by side, except Taehyung who climbs the platform shown in the picture. Versions of this scene vary between the Prologue ending and Euphoria- but the basic essence is the same. In this picture however, it seems all 7 of them are sitting together- perhaps then, will there come a timeline that neither Taehyung nor Jin stand on the platform? Or this perhaps the (yet) unattainable dream Jin dreams.

In the last few pages , the chorus of Butterfly continues:

The Parallel from Prologue

Jin catches the butterfly in the hands – and because I am a hopeful person, I interpret it as Jin having finally achieved his dream- the butterfly being in his hands is symbolic of him having some control over how the timeline goes . After all the beach visit was his dream and it comes to pass in this book.

That is all for Butterfly! If you are interested in my take on the other series, here are the links:

  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2
  3. Part 3
  4. Part 4

Questions? Feedback? Leave a comment or @ me on Twitter.

Sources for all the images:

  1. Shue_soo
  2. @sujup0613
  3. Graphic lyrics unboxing
  4. Another unboxing video
  5. Photos lent to me by the wonderful @mochi_manggae

graphic lyric books · Theories


In this blog post I will be trying to look at Volume 4 of the Graphic Lyrics : Run, illustrated by Choi Ji Wook

Source: Amazon preview

Run is the story of HYYH Namjoon and HYYH Taehyung . For this post all the photos are screenshots from here, and all translations from Doolset’s blog.

Let us read the description on Amazon for the artistic style used here:

“Vol. 4 RUN is about two boys and their dreams and struggles. Published in extended horizontal format, the right-hand pages fold out to endlessly to extend the two boys’ footsteps visually, the pictures expressing their determination to make their dream come true as well as their unwavering friendship.”

Thus if House of Cards was vertical, Run is horizontal. Some of the pages in Run are pullout pages that give an impression of running continuously, and I think is a great artistic choice.

We begin with Namjoon

넌 내 하나뿐인 태양 세상에 딱 하나
You’re my one and only sun, the one and only in the world

널 향해 피었지만 난 자꾸 목말라
Though I’ve bloomed towards you, I keep getting thirsty

너무 늦었어 늦었어 너 없이 살 순 없어
It’s too late, too late, I can’t live without you

가지가 말라도 더 힘껏 손을 뻗어
Even if my branch dries out, I stretch my hand out even harder

He is heading from his container to the city of Songju- the color scheme used for Namjoon is blue and orange and I think it goes well the long nights he works – as well in setting a melancholic atmosphere

In the next scene we see :

  1. The gas station Namjoon works at
  2. Cocktails, fireworks, parties
  3. High end fashion store
  4. A bakery shop

Basically, these are all objects that symbolize the comfortable life of the rich -something that HYYH Namjoon desires for. All of the panels in the background can be the dreams that Namjoon is chasing and running for.

The lyrics are:

손 뻗어봤자 금세 깨버릴 꿈 꿈 꿈
Even if I stretch my hand out, I’ll soon wake up from the dream dream dream

미칠 듯 달려도 또 제자리일 뿐 뿐 뿐
Even if I run like crazy, I’ll remain at the same place place place

그냥 날 태워줘 그래 더 밀쳐내줘
Just burn me off, yeah, push me further

이건 사랑에 미친 멍청이의 뜀박질
This is a fool, crazy in love, running

더 뛰게 해줘
Let me run more

나를 더 뛰게 해줘
Let me run more

두 발에 상처만 가득해도
Because, though my feet are covered in cuts and bruises,

니 얼굴만 보면 웃는 나니까
I would be smiling whenever I see your face 

These emphasize how no matter how hard he works and tries- his dreams remain a far-away reality

다시 Run Run Run 난 멈출 수가 없어
Again, run run run, I can’t stop

또 Run Run Run 난 어쩔 수가 없어
Again, run run run, I can’t help

어차피 이것밖에 난 못해
This is the only thing I can do anyway

너를 사랑하는 것 밖엔 못해
Loving you is the only thing I can do

The blue and yellow here transform to the petroleum fuel that leaks to the ground- dissolving all of his dreams ( a symbolic way to show how his part time labour drowns out the fancy dreams he has for himself). In the beyond we can see a kite spool and a broken kite, the symbol of Jungkook, along with a boat, an windrose and a pinwheel – all symbols of the other members.

Next we arrive at this:

The colors now transform to sneering faces of the annoying customers Namjoon has to face at the gas station. The lyrics are:

다시 Run Run Run 넘어져도 괜찮아
Again, run run run, it’s okay even if I fall

또 Run Run Run 좀 다쳐도 괜찮아
Again, run run run, it’s okay even if I get hurt

가질 수 없다 해도 난 족해
It’s okay even if I don’t have you

바보 같은 운명아 나를 욕해
Silly fate, just point your fingers at me

They seem to be hinting at his resignation to his fate .

After working hard, Namjoon seems to be in a storage room of some sort where he has fallen asleep – after eating his ramen. In the next page – he is at the library to pick up reading again- a leisure he had given up. It reminds me of this note:

This is the original spread, but it is a pull-out

This spread to a wonderful scenery of Songju – the city in which the BU characters live. In the background, you can see Naeri Gas Station, Songju Photo Studio, and the famous Naeri bus station that was seen in Highlight Reel , full of graffiti by Taehyung.

The bus station as seen in Highlight Reel

This was also seen in the Art Toy released by Bighit last year

The Songju Photo Studio was mentioned in the Notes 1 in an entry by Taehyung:

Credits to @amruwithlove

The lyrics for this spread say are all in English ( From the ‘you make me cry cry’ to the ‘bye-bye’ part)

The spread then changes to this scenery:

We continue to see some more of the scenery and graffiti- the shops are: a piano shop, a wholesale fruits and vegetable shop, and a bus stop for Songju Garden. Finally we also meet Taehyung , spraying Run with his graffiti.

Compare and contrast Namjoon to when he was alone, and to when he was with Taehyung.

Namjoon before
Namjoon after

The lyrics afterwards:

다 끝난 거라는데 난 멈출 수가 없네
They say it’s all over, but I can’t stop

땀인지 눈물인지 나 더는 분간 못해 oh
Whether it’s sweat or tears, I can’t tell anymore oh

내 발가벗은 사랑도 거친 태풍 바람도
Even my love stripped naked and even the severe wind storm

나를 더 뛰게만 해 내 심장과 함께
only make me run more with my heart beating

The graffiti is the same as the one in Highlight Reel, but it may still be helpful to note down everything Taehyung wrote:

  1. Pro Memoria
  2. Can’t Trust, Won’t Trust
  3. I’m Fine
  4. Tell Me What is The Reason
  5. You Think

Now, we arrive at Taehyung’s story- and the color scheme changes to green and dark pink which goes along well with the colors of his graffiti.

다시 Run Run Run 난 멈출 수가 없어
Again, run run run, I can’t stop

또 Run Run Run 난 어쩔 수가 없어
Again, run run run, I can’t help

어차피 이것밖에 난 못해
This is anyway the only thing I can do

너를 사랑하는 것 밖엔 못해
Loving you is the only thing I can do

Several things that can be observed here:

  1. Strawberries- strawberries have not been associated with BU Taehyung yet, but they are one of the favorite fruits of BTS V.
  2. A white dog- most likely to be Dubu

3. A set of crayons- referencing BU Taehyung’s love for art

4. A field that is very reminscent of the field shown in Butterfly


Like I mentioned in Volume 3, I think mirrors in these books show the dreams and desires of the characters- all of these are probably Taehyung comes to lose as he grows up – a favorite birthday cake, a childhood hobby, a cherished puppy and his time spent with other members.

다시 Run Run Run 넘어져도 괜찮아
Again, run run run, it’s okay even if I fall

또 Run Run Run 좀 다쳐도 괜찮아
Again, run run run, it’s okay even if I get hurt

가질 수 없다 해도 난 족해
It’s okay even if I don’t have you

바보 같은 운명아 나를 욕해
Silly fate, just point your fingers at me

This spread shows the reality of BU Taehyung:

  1. I am assuming the first person is Taehyung’s mother who abandoned her kids to run away from the abuse meted out to her by their father
  2. In the next panel we see canvas shoes
  3. In the third we can see a young girl crying , probably his sister. Taehyung’s sister shielded him from abuse by taking it all upon herself.
Source: Stigma
  1. We see Save Me – in a style similar to Fake Love:
Source: Fake Love

The shards of glass flying everywhere gives a literal shattering effect .

Then we come to this:

This shot parallels the earlier shot of the petrol fuel dissolving Namjoon’s dreams. This is a reference to both Taehyung’s father who was an alcoholic and an abuser, and also this scene from I Need U when Taehyung gets angered enough to kill his father with the alcohol bottle.

Source: I Need U

There is a small panel showing the blood on someone’s arm- could be either Taehyung or his father.

The lyrics for this spread are:

추억들이 마른 꽃잎처럼
Memories, like dry flower petals,

산산이 부서져가
get shattered into pieces

내 손 끝에서 내 발 밑에서
from my fingertips, from underneath my feet,

달려가는 네 등 뒤로
towards your back who’s running away

마치 나비를 쫓듯 꿈 속을 헤매듯
Like chasing a butterfly, life wandering in a dream,

너의 흔적을 따라가
I follow your traces

길을 알려줘 날 좀 멈춰줘
Please tell me the way, please stop me

날 숨쉬게 해줘
Please let me breathe

The lyrics here convey how Taehyung’s precious flower like memories get crushed and shattered. The last two lines , in this context speak of his suffocation with this life- and his desperation as he begins to lose his way.

The lyrics here are the chorus of Run

As Taehyung takes up graffiti- his symbol in the graphic lyric series- the butterfly comes for the first time in the whole book- and seems as if is lighting the way out.

The chorus of Run continues here

Tired and weary, Taehyung heads over to the one person he finds comfort in – Namjoon as represented by the Naeri Gas Station ( the gas station Namjoon works at).

In this scene we see Namjoon heading over to his container, but since it is a pullout , it becomes a scene like this:

How beautiful! It shows the two of them laughing together- having found solace in someone who shares their dreams with them.

And with this, we come to the end! See you in next Volume!

Any questions? Leave a comment or @ me on Twitter.

Special thanks to @mochi_manggae for providing me some better photos!

BU · graphic lyric books · Theories



I am really excited for the breakdown of this volume! Volume 3, House of Cards, is the story of HYYH Jungkook and Yoongi , illustrated beautifully by Joseph Park. For the translations, I have used Doolset’s blog. Before reading , let me plug in the song for full feels!

Source: Amazon preview

Let us read the description of this volume provided by the publishers:

Vol. 3 House Of Cards presents two boys and their despair and frightful visions, and the story tells how they reach out for a better future with hope despite all their travails. Printed in an extended vertical format with short-edge binding and portrait orientation, each illustration continues to the next page to create the image of falling into an abyss.”

The vertical format very accurately describes the feeling of falling into depression, which feels like a continuous downward spiral. In House of Cards, the metaphor of House of Cards is used to describe the frailty of relationships- in this case- family relationships , and the struggle of rebuilding life from pieces as it falls apart.

We begin with this scene:

또 위태로워 또 위험해
At risk again, dangerous again

So bad (why) 우린 yeah
So bad (why) we are yeah

더 버티기도 지탱하기도
To endure it anymore, to bear it anymore,

So hard (hard) 안 돼
So hard (hard) I can’t

We see Jungkook looking down from a cliff as a bunch of items related to his childhood fall- a teddy bear, a spiral, a gift, a card, and we end up at the bottom of the page to Jungkook sleeping. There is book in his hand, and he seems to be dreaming.

Some things to note:

This card says : ” Jungkook-ah, Happy Birthday”. This card is an old birthday card given to him by his father before he left their family because of his depression. In the Notes 1, there is an entry by Jungkook that reflects on this ( summary is mine):

11 September, Year 17: Jungkook has been waiting for a birthday card from his father for the last 10 days, to no avail. He takes out his old birthday cards and reminisces on the past. Around the time he was 7, Jungkook rushed down from his attic to find a heavy atmosphere in the house. His mother was crying, and his father was talking about how going on in life had become difficult for him and that the world was too heavy for him to bear. His father decided to leave before he was completely crushed, amidst the mother’s protests. His mother called him irresponsible , and asked him about Jungkook. The father replied saying that, “I feel completely empty and there is nothing I can do for Jungkook”. Jungkook rushed up to his room to see his Dad leaving. In the present moment , Jungkook’s mother enters his room and tells him to stop hoping for birthday cards as his Dad was “ feeble”, and a “ social misfit”. Jungkook decides that he was the burden that his Dad found too heavy to carry.

In the next two pages this happens:

이미 알고 있어도
Though I knew it already,

멈출 수가 없었어
I couldn’t stop

No way, no way, no way 쓰러져
No way, no way, no way it falls

The book he is holdings says : 우리 가족 , meaning Our Family.

Our Family is a common title of children’s books, and the characters and multiple families from the books come to haunt him in terrifying visions because his own family is broken. He misses his father, and his new stepfather and brother just neglect and humiliate him , while his mother watches passively.

Picture books often use perspective to visually deal with issues, here perspective is used brilliantly to emphasize how small Jungkook feels while the animals and their happy families overtake his vision, physically spanning along the length of the entire page. In the next one , Jungkook is caged – showing how trapped and small he feels. It is also a direct contrast to his symbol in the book – a kite which symbolizes freedom.

시간이 지나 갈 수록
As time passes,

더 망가져 가기만 해
It keeps getting ruined more and more

No way, no way 또 무너지는 걸 ah
No way, no way it’s collapsing again ah

The animals even seem to be threatening , surrounding the cage- and I feel they could also represent how Jungkook sees his step-family.

Next we come to see this:

카드로 만든 집 그 속에서 우린
Inside a house made of cards we are

끝이 보인대도 곧 쓰러진대도
Though we see the end, though we know that it’ll soon collapse

카드로 만든 집 바보같이 우린
A house made of cards- we, like fools,

헛된 꿈이래도 이대로 조금 더 stay
though it’s an empty hope, stay like this a little more 

A well organized deck of cards falls apart as we see glimpse Jungkook falling . Several things can be observed here:

  1. A family by the fireplace- judging by the red hair- it seems to be his step family or a family that is not his.
  2. A small scene in which Jungkook is cutting his birthday cake, along with his mother. I think the mirror here shows his dreams and desires. And a little further down the spiral, we see the mirror crack – a shot that may be familiar to many of you:

3. We see a pencil and some sketches- BU Jungkook often sketches- and here it seems like he sketched his parents, before crossing them over to show his resentment, and we also see the card of hearts turn from red to black.

TW- mentions of self harm

내일이란 게 없듯이
Like there’s no such thing as tomorrow,

다음이란 건 없듯이
like there’s no such thing as next time

지금 내겐 눈 앞에 너를 뺀 모든 게
right now, to me, everything before my eyes except you is

지독히 깜깜한 어둠이지
a terribly pitch-black darkness

It is implied that HYYH Jungkook does self harm in the Notes 1, and according to me this shot full of blood on the skin is reflective of exactly that. The illustrations go with the lyrics- the darkening of one’s vision that one feels at their lowest point – shown literally through a black page.

However, hope springs up for Jungkook again

입버릇처럼 말해
I say like a habit

우린 결국엔 안 돼
“We can’t be together in the end”

그래도 난 계속 바래
Even so, I keep wishing

마지막도 너와 함께라면 I’m okay
that I’m okay as long as I’m with you at the end 

The bond between HYYH Jungkook and HYYH Yoongi is special. HYYH Jin describes it as being the only two people who could understand each other’s pain. With their shared love for the piano, and their similar dysfunctional families, Jungkook finds a comfort in Yoongi he had never experienced before- and for the first time we see him in normal size- and his kite flying. He finally feels a little free and hopeful. The lyrics go along with this -that he is okay as long as he is with Yoongi at the end.

However, their bond has to take a break when Yoongi is expelled from school for playing the piano during a parents’ meet at school. Angry and bitter, Yoongi decides to give up on music.

이미 알고 있어도
Though I knew it already,

멈출 수가 없었어
I couldn’t stop

No way, no way, no way 쓰러져
No way, no way, no way it falls

Here the lyrics portray Yoongi’s insecurity that he is responsible for hurting the people in his life, and will eventually lose them – the flames shown here show his house that burned down , taking his mother’s life with it.


시간이 지나 갈 수록
As time passes,

더 망가져 가기만 해
It keeps getting ruined more and more

No way, no way 또 무너지는 걸 ah
No way, no way it’s collapsing again ah

In this spread, his parents are highlighted as the fire destroyed completely the sense of home for Yoongi. After his mother’s death, his father discouraged him to play music because he did not want his son to end up like his mother. In between we see memories of Yoongi- learning piano with his mother, playing basketball ( which reminds me of this)

From: HYYH On Stage VCR

A musical sheet, Yoongi staring at a cracked reflection, and also Yoongi playing guitar. We have not explicitly seen HYYH Yoongi playing a guitar before, but we have this:

From: The Highlight Reels

This girl is Yoongi’s anima- and thus represents Yoongi herself. In case you are wondering why Y. K.? It is because in Korean Yoongi is made of two characters – Yoon and Gi, the latter of which can also be romanized as Ki.

Next, we see Yoongi desperately trying to hold it all together-climbing up ladders to maintain his relationships, and drowning out the fire- but he fails

카드로 만든 집 그 속에서 우린
Inside a house made of cards, we are

끝이 보인대도 곧 쓰러진대도
Though we see the end, though we know that it’ll soon collapse

카드로 만든 집 바보같이 우린
A house made of cards- we, like fools,

헛된 꿈이래도 이대로 조금 더 stay
though it’s an empty hope, stay like this a little more 

He gives up – and tries to set himself on fire . Another brilliant use of perspective shows a very small Yoongi who is staying at his motel ( comparitively huge in size) which he lights up later.

시간을 Slow down
Slow down the time

조금만 더, 머물러 줘 oh
Please stay just a little more oh

Please Baby, calm down

조금만 더
Just a little more

This part of the song is the one laced with the most despair and desperation as they sing – just a little more… it is a plea that you know fails as Yoongi finally makes the decision to light up the music sheet in his hands

Source: Save Me, Ch 8

Then we have this beautiful transition from fire to darkness as Yoongi sinks deeper and deeper into his sadness:

또 위태로워 또 위험해
At risk again, dangerous again

So bad (why) 우린 yeah
So bad (why) we are yeah

더 버티기도 지탱하기도
To endure it anymore, to bear it anymore,

So hard 또 무너지는 걸
So hard it’s collapsing again

We then have this:

카드로 만든 집 그 속에서 우린
Inside a house made of cards, we are

끝이 보인대도 곧 쓰러진대도
Though we see the end, though we know that it’ll soon collapse

카드로 만든 집 바보같이 우린
A house made of cards- we, like fools,

My personal interpretation of this is that the moon waxing and waning is similar to how mood swings feel, except here the moon is shown only waning till it becomes very thin- showing how Yoongi is emotionally exhausted to the point his emotions just fade away. In the darkness, Yoongi gives up fighting and it seems like he is just sinking

We move on to the final page- Yoongi is in a place of darkness all by himself- but his shadow- made longer by the darkness- stretches out a hand towards Jungkook who is there to help him.

헛된 꿈이래도 이대로 조금 더 stay
though it’s an empty hope, stay like this a little more 

It leaves the readers with a sense of hope that maybe , even though it is a house of cards, they will stay by each other.

Thank you for dropping by! If you feel like I missed something or have something to say- drop a comment or @ me on Twitter.

Pictures taken from this unboxing video and this tweet. See you in the next part!

graphic lyric books · Theories


Hi everyone! This is a continuation of the first post that dealt with YNWA. This breakdown will cover Save Me – the story of HYYH Hoseok and HYYH Jimin.

Before starting, let us read the description of Save Me from Amazon

“Vol. 2 Save ME is about two boys who struggle with their painful past and recurring nightmares. Their will to overcome the pain and the camaraderie they discover in their common passion for dancing are illustrated in pictures done in a secretive and lyrical style using tracing papers.” Illustrated By Lee Kang Hun

Tracing papers! Save Me uses translucent paper as an art form to convey motion, the effects of ghosts of past linngering on to the present and to imbue a sense of mystery and secrecy.

Jimin and Hoseok in the BU both suffer from mental illnesses and have had traumatic episodes in the past that they cannnot let go of. Again and again the past continues to haunt them – seen in how Hoseok often falls thinking about his mother, and how Jimin seems to be carrying the shadows of the past like here:

Source: Save Me, Episode 12

In the webtoon Jimin often sees himself in mud. This mud is symbolic of the incident that happened to him. What it was , we still don’t know but I think it may have to do with witnessing someone being tortured or killed in that arboretum.

With this background, then let us start!

First, on the cover art are several interesting things: the hospital bed that symbolizes confinement , and a compass that is oddly distorted – I believe it is an allusion to the dream like quality or more appropriately, nightmarish quality of some pages. For why I think so, you can check this tweet. Basically, I think it is inspired by surrealism and surrealist art is often used to depict dreams.

For this analysis, I am so grateful to OP who recorded them flipping through the entire SAVE ME book. I will be using doolset’s translations, please visit her blog for more!

I will be starting with the first page

난 숨쉬고 싶어 이 밤이 싫어
I want to breathe, I hate this night

이젠 깨고 싶어 꿈속이 싫어
I want to wake up, I hate being in the dream

내 안에 갇혀서 난 죽어있어
Trapped in myself, I’m being dead

Don’t wanna be lonely, Just wanna be yours

The lyrics themselves indicate that this is a dream – a dream Hoseok is having about his past- the dreams are symbolized here as literal ghosts like the one I circled – symbolically showing the terrible ways in which our past haunts us

The next spread is :

The lyrics throughout this whole spread say:

왜 이리 깜깜한 건지 니가 없는 이 곳은
Why is it so dark in this place without you 

위험하잖아 망가진 내 모습
It’s dangerous, my ravaged self

구해줘 날 나도 날 잡을 수 없어
Please save me- even I can’t get a grip on myself

This a preview uploaded on Amazon, but doesn’t do justice to the beautiful art of tracing paper used: here is how it actually feels as you turn over the pages :

Elderly Hoseok disappears and only the young Hoseok remains , and do you notice the ghosts still in the sky? It is still a dream , and older Hoseok is still tormented.Then Hoseok ends up at the amusement park he was abandoned, and you begin to see why the ice-cream was there in his dreams.

내 심장소릴 들어봐, 제멋대로 널 부르잖아
Listen to my heartbeat, It’s calling you on its own will

이 까만 어둠 속에서, 너는 이렇게 빛나니까
Because, in this pitch-black darkness, you’re shining like this 

Why was the ice cream so big ? According to Freud, dreams work on an anxiety reducing phenomenon. Thus, things that cause us anxiety in our daily life are expressed in dreams indirectly through metaphors and metonyms. Of all the things from the amusement park, the ice-cream is a non-threatening memory- and if we go one step further using psycho-analytic theory probably a metaphor for the chocolate bar. ( Both of them are sweets, but since one is non threatening it has displaced the other.)

Next page is this: present Day Hoseok . Two things worth noting :

  1. The pinwheel on the chair- it is clear that is Hoseok’s symbol , pinwheels can be a symbol of the amusement park.
  2. The Just Dance Poster on the wall- this was seen at the back of the Notes 1 book:

The next few motions wonderfully show Hoseok dancing, and then he falls- all to the refrain of Save Me, Save Me, I need your love before I fall.

We then end up here:

The view is from the point of view of a fallen Hoseok , and you can make out a hospital in the distance. To me it symbolizes how he fell on 10 May, Year 22, and then ended up in the hospital. The trees also remind me of the arboretum , and the whole scenery is very similar to what Jimin encounters later.

This is from the teaser released on Youtube. Actual lyrics differ in the book

This then is how Jimin and Hoseok end up meeting again. The last time Hoseok had met Jimin was in Year 20, when Jimin had seizures . They reunite as Hobi is in the surgery ward after his fall, and Jimin has been in the hospital continuously for 2 years. The person in green is Jimin, symbolized by the green plant that reminds us of the arboretum, while on the left we can see the famous Snickers bar. Then there is a tracing paper layer and we arrive at this:

These feathers, do they click a bell? Yes, RUN MV HYYH Hoseok and Jimin

The lyrics for this portion :

오늘따라 달이 빛나 내 기억 속의 빈칸
The moon shines brighter today, the empty space in my memory

날 삼켜버린 이 lunatic, please save me tonight
The lunatic that swallowed me, please save me tonight

In the next portion we see Jimin’s dreams :

Source: Amazon preview

You can make out a faint little Jimin, further clarified here:


In the distance we see a white building and up closer, we see a small building with yellow panes. This could be the storage room Jimin took shelter at that night, as explained in this note:

After this incident Jimin was in and out of hospitals for most of his life- shown by his entry into the hospital

The lyrics throughout this whole spread:

난 알았지 너란 구원이, 내 삶의 일부며 아픔을 감싸줄 유일한 손길
I knew that the salvation called you, is a part of my life and the only hand to embrace my pain

The best of me, 난 너밖에 없지, 나 다시 웃을 수 있도록 더 높여줘 니 목소릴
The best of me, I have only you, so that I can smile again, please raise your voice more

Next we see Jimin at the hospital in a scene very familiar -Jimin trying to drown himself . As he drowns, the tub beautifully transitions into a paper boat that overflows, as Jimin is haunted by dreams of the arboretum


The boat becomes Jimin’s symbol and appears throughout the other books as well! The lyrics is a repetition ( Listen to my heart….shining brightly like this)

Next, we have this:

It seems like the hospital room Jimin was confined in, also seen in YNWA book:

and he has now finally escaped to the outside world. The lyrics here are the chorus of Save Me. The door there leads to this:

My interpretation of this is that the door is a symbol of the entry into the unconscious dream world. Here is a quote by Carl Jung:

“The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness extends.” This quote was also used in the Persona MV

By escaping the innermost recesses of the soul and foraying outside- what this picture shows is that Jimin is finally letting go of the hold of his past and the hold the unconscious has over him.

In this picture you can also see the boat, and the pinwheel, along with other symbols also symbolizing the members. The lyrics are once again the Save Me refrain.

Next, we see Jimin dancing and making his way to Hoseok on the other side. They both are finally together, and the picture gives the idea that they lean on each other and dance as a way to battle their nightmarish past. OP on Twitter posted a beautiful montage of this scene with music:

The lyrics are :

고마워 내가 나이게 해줘서, 이 내가 날게 해줘서 
Thank you for making me be me, for making me fly

이런 내게 날갤 줘서, 꼬깃하던 날 개줘서
for giving someone like me wings, for straightening my frowning face

답답하던 날 깨줘서, 꿈 속에만 살던 날 깨워줘서
for breaking the suffocating shell surrounding me, for waking me up who lived in my dreams only

널 생각하면 날 개어서 , 슬픔 따윈 나 개 줬어 
Because the sky clears up when I think of you, I gave my sadness away

(Thank you. ‘우리’가 돼 줘서) 
(Thank you for becoming ‘us’)

The lyrics in this context explain Jimin’s gratefulness to Hoseok who helped him escape the hospital , and through dancing , became a role model for him as well. The allusion to dreams is again seen in ” for waking me up who lived in my dreams only.”

The last stretch of the song shows symbolically the two of them leaving the hospital, the pinwheel and the boat flying away in the wind. I believe the wind is the symbol for Jin as it was indeed Jin who facilitated their escape.

Next we have a shot of their empty beds , with the words Save Me, and I am Fine flipped just like how we were shown in the I’m Fine performance stage.

End of discussion! If you have anything to add, leave comments or @ me on Twitter. See you in Part 3

Photos lent to me by the lovely @mochi_manggae

BU · graphic lyric books · Theories


Hello everyone! On 29th of June, Bighit Ent. released a series of 5 graphic lyric books that showcase the theme of “Hwa Yeong Yeon Hwa” or HYYH as we know it. The series aims to reinterpret the BU , continuing the representation from Music Videos, HYYH The Notes 1, Save Me Webtoon etc.

There are a total of 5 songs that have been chosen:

Volume 1: You Never Walk Alone

Volume 2: Save Me

Volume 3: House of Cards

Volume 4: Run

Volume 5: Butterfly

The books connect to each other in a pattern like this:


In this breakdown I will be focusing on the first book of the series, YNWA. First, let us go through the description given on Amazon

“Vol. 1 A Supplementary Story : You Never Walk Alone whisks readers back to the day when the seven boys met for the very first time ― a heartwarming story drawn in the format of graphic novel panels.” Illustrated by Koo Ja Seon.

Using the style of graphic novels, we meet the 7 characters one by one, on the day they got late in school and were punished for tardiness on 2 March Year 19 . Before that, let me plug in the song:


This scene has been inspired from the BTS BEGINS VCR, and The Webtoon

The Novel begins with the beginning of the day

The Songju City , at 6:31 am. Credit for this photo to @mochi_manggae

and we get glimpses into their individual lives , each entry marked by a time-stamp like this:

The reason why we have these is to show the reasons they all got late for the school.

First off is Hoseok’s story:


Several things to note here:

1.This is the setting of the orphanage Hoseok lives at. The name of the orphanage: Yangji Orphanage ( 양지 보육원 ) was given in the book as well . He continues to live here till he grows of age. In this picture, he is shown as taking care of the the younger kids at the orphanage. We see how this makes him late

2.As he leaves, the kids hand him a chocolate bar – the famous Snickers bar Hoseok has always been associated with.

3. The lyrics in Korean can be translated to

날고 싶어도 내겐 날개가 없지, BUT 너의 그 손이 내 날개가 돼
Although I want to fly, I don’t have wings, BUT your hands become my wings

어둡고 외로운 것들은, 잊어볼래
All the dark and lonely things, I will try to forget those

너와 함께
with you

(These lyrics and others throughout are translated by Doolset. Click the link for the full song.) This is not how the song begins though, the beginning is illustrated on a background like this:

Credit to @mochi_manggae

Here , in the context of the art, these lyrics become even more meaningful when you realize Hoseok had no one- not even family to rely on. He is able to get through the day and forget his traumatic past for a while because of the company at the orphanage.

Next, we have Jungkook’s story

Source: Amazon preview

Jungkook leaves home, and you can see how neglected he feels while the rest of his family is seen together ( mother, father and step-brother). He walks and sits by the riverside. This is the Yangjicheon ( Yangji Riverbank) and it was mentioned that he often liked to sit here and pass time.

Then he goes to a PC Cafe- stays there for a while and dozes off, then wakes up hurriedly to realize he is late for school – it is now 8: 23 AM. The lyrics for his scene says:

이 날개는 아픔에서 돋아났지만, 빛을 향한 날개야
These wings, although they came out of pain, are wings towards the light

힘들고 아프더라도, 날아갈 수 있다면 날 테야
Even if it’s tiring and hurting, if I can fly away, I’ll fly

This one in particular is described so beautifully with the kite flying in the sky as JK yearns to break free

더는 두렵지 않게, 내 손을 잡아줄래
So that I won’t be afraid anymore, would you hold my hand?

너와 나 함께라면, 웃을 수 있으니깐
Because, you and I, if we’re together, we can laugh

Next is Namjoon

Credit to @mochi_manggae

Several things to note here as well. Namjoon is leaving school but immediately gets set to work on his multiple part time jobs- he is making kimchi in one, putting up flyers on different houses in one, packaging cardboard boxes , and finally cleaning a room as shown with a cleaning towel in his hand. By Year 19, Namjoon was working at a part-time job , along with helping his family to cover the financial losses caused by his father’s accident. In the end, exhausted, he takes a nap, and then leaves for school .The lyrics for his portion says:

내가 선택한 길이고
Even if it is the path I chose,

모두 다 내가 만들어낸 운명이라 해도
and everything is a fate that I created

내가 지은 죄이고, 이 모든 생이 내가 치러갈 죗값일 뿐이라 해도
Even if it is a sin that I committed, and this whole life is only about paying for my sin

I think the lyrics reflect the hard road his life takes .

Next up is Jimin:

Credit to @mochi-manggae

He is shown to be in the hospital, probably getting discharged and ready to go to school. His mother drives him to school, and it seems like they got caught up in traffic . Some things to note here:

1.The name of the hospital is : Gyeongil Hospital. We previously got a hint of this hospital’s name through Jimin’s tweet. One of the bus stops mentioned in the tweet is “Gyeongil Hospital Crossroad” (translation credit to @sub_versi0n)

2. In the bottom panel is Jimin’s hospital room with his name written on the outside, the same room will be seen in Save Me as well.

3. Jimin’s car gets stuck in traffic and he rushes to get out, a litte bit ahead you can see guy rushing towards school. As you will find below, that guy is Jin !

The lyrics of his portion:

넌 같이 걸어줘,
Walk with me

나와 같이 날아줘
Fly with me

하늘 끝까지 손 닿을 수 있도록
so that our hands can reach the end of the sky

이렇게 아파도
Even if it hurts like this,

너와 나 함께라면
Because, you and I, if we’re together,

웃을 수 있으니까
we can smile

They show his eagerness to join school even though he gets hurt and tired because of his illness.

Next is Yoongi

Source: @mochi_manggae

Several things to note here as well:

  • Yoongi and his father are sharing a meal in silence. This reminds me of this note where he mentions he was brought up not to say a word during meals.
  • Actually, it is mentioned in the Wings Concept book that Yoongi’s father belonged to an army background, perhaps that is why Yoongi was brought up so strictly. ( Source : this translation )
  • Yoongi lives in an apartment complex and there are fliers on the doors, the same fliers that were posted by Namjoon above.
  • As he leaves he passes by a music shop which seems familiar , it can be the one seen in First Love, and the one mentioned in this note

Source: First Love
  • The student who meets Yoongi is Jung Hoseok as identified by the name tag on his uniform
  • The building they are about to reach is the school gates.
Source: Webtoon

The lyrics for his portion are:

Ayy I never walk alone

잡은 너의 손 너의 온기가 느껴져
From your hand that I’m holding, I can feel your warmth

Ayy you never walk alone

나를 느껴봐 너도 혼자가 아니야
Feel me, you are not alone either

Finally we have Taehyung :


Again lots of interesting stuff to note here!

  1. Taehyung’s apartment complex: Magnolia Mansion
  2. Dubu- Dubu is a white Jindo dog that Taehyung adopts. His age is a bit questionable, and he could be some other dog too , Taehyung has a thing for dogs in the BU. As he begins clearing up the mess of the night caused by Taehyung’s alcoholic father, Dubu slips out and runs away causing Taehyung to panic and search for him. Eventually he finds him but gets late , thus ending up rushing to school. What this reminds me is this note in which Taehyung searches for Dubu:

This is not the only time he goes missing however, there is also this:

This is also the same dog as spotted in Stigma.

Source: Stigma

And why is he so important? Because he goes missing in October, which is also the month on the calendar in Stigma. And the events in Stigma are connected to Taehyung being in a police station for the first time- and the dog walking away from the prison makes me think they are connected somehow. The name Dubu means Tofu in Korean- which can also be a symbol of purity.

The lyrics here represent how he slowly and then hurriedly goes through his morning routine to get to ready for school- from crawling to flying.

Next, we have Jin:


We get a glimpse into Jin’s lonely life- he eats his breakfast alone. He is driven to school – the only one rich enough to be driven, but gets late because of a slight accident, and a tiff that breaks out.

On the table, we have the white flower often seen in HYYH , and also seen in Awake.

The lyrics for his scene:

이 길이 또 멀고 험할지라도
Even if this road is long and rough,

함께 해주겠니
would you be with me

넘어지고 때론 다칠지라도
Even if we fall and sometimes get hurt,

함께 해주겠니
would you be with me

Towards the end they get punished together and are ordered to clean up the storage classroom- the classroom where they had lots of fun together. We can spot Namjoon and Taehyung towards the right, Yoongi on the piano , Jungkook on the ground, Jimin and Hoseok dancing, and Seokjin recording as usual. There is also a basketball – a sport HYYH Yoongi plays.

The ending lines are an assurance that the 7 finally met each other and truly never walk alone.

The six symbols floating in the wind

These symbols appear in the cover of almost every book- and each symbol represents a member , and was spotted in their scenes respectively . Additionally, I believe Jin is symbolized the wind that blows them all together.

From top to bottom- the boat, the compass, the bubbles, the kite, the pinwheel, butterfly and the wind – taken from scenes of Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon ,Jungkook, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jin

An interesting thing to add is this note released in the 7 album

This note emphasizes how BU Jin rarely laughed but felt like he could smile when he was together with his friends. He writes these lines in response to Yoongi’s question: ” When was the last time you laughed?” . Yoongi decides to name his song the same. Also interesting trivia, this song was used as BG for Wings Concert VCR: How Many Roads Must The Boy Walk Before He Becomes A Man?

And this is the end! See you in the next Volume! Any questions? Comment them or @ me on twitter.